Manage Email Accounts

By Anita Sabot - Wed Jul 06, 2:33 pm

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Your Sabot Sites hosting account will allow you to create up to 100 POP3 email accounts, depending on the hosting plan you have chosen.

Managing email accounts is quite easy.


To create a new email account (or delete an existing one):

  1. Go to and click the Client Control Panel login link (you can also click here to go directly there
  2. Login to your control panel using the username and login emailed to you when you purchased your account.
  3. In your control panel, in the Mail section, click on the link that says Email Accounts.
  4. ADD: To create an account, type in the desired email name and password and select a quota for the account.  (Just remember that you have purchased an account with a certain amount of MB’s so you don’t have unlimited space.  You’ll need to select an appropriate quota for each email account  in accordance with your hosting account size.  You don’t want your email accounts using up the space needed to make your website function properly.  For most smaller sites, leaving 200 MB for the website should be enough.)
  5. DELETE: To remove an account, scroll down to view the email accounts, click the delete button near the far right of each account.
  6. CHANGE PASSWORD: You may also want to change the password for an account for which you have lost access.  You may do this by clicking the change password link to the right of the email account listed.
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