Out of Disk Space?

By Anita Sabot - Wed Jun 15, 11:45 pm

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To Check Your Disk Space Usage

  1. Click on the Client Control Panel link at SabotSites.com
  2. Login with your cPanel username and password that was given to you when you registered your account.
  3. Scroll down to the section titled Files and click on Disk Usage Viewer
  4. There you will see a pie graph giving you the details about your disk space usage.  It shows how much is being used as well as where it is being used. (Note that MySQL data may not always be shown in your disk usage)


As you develop your website, you will start using more and more of your web hosting disk space.  High quality images, videos, audio files as well as documents that you have uploaded into your web hosting account, can use up a considerable amount of your allocated web space.  As you upload items for your website, remember to delete the older versions that are no longer needed to avoid unnecessarily filling your account.

You should also consider that your hosted email accounts use up your hosting disk space as well.  If you are keeping your emails online, then emails alone can quickly fill up a Small Site account.  To avoid this, delete emails that are no longer needed, especially when they come with large attachments.  You can also use an offline email program like Outlook or a free online email service like Gmail, into which you can download your email.

However, at some point your web hosting space might start getting crowded.  If your account starts getting too full, you will receive an email from the system saying, your account is “running out of disk space“.  It will instruct you to “remove some files from this account, or ask the administrator to increase your disk quota.”

If this happens, you will need to do just that… remove unnecessary files.  But you can also take this opportunity to increase your disk space by upgrading your account.  A Small Site of only 100 MB of disk space can be quite limiting, so try upgrading to the Standard site of 500 MB, or Super Site at 1 Gig (1000 MB).  If your account needs even more than that, a special plan can always be arranged.  We can also do prorated billing mid-year…  just contact us at support@sabotsites.com to make an arrangement.

Keep in mind that the ideal capacity for your account should still allow some space for emails that will come in. Therefore, if your account is at about 75% capacity, all is well! If you’d like to check and see exactly what is your account’s disk usage, you can do so at anytime by logging into your account’s cPanel.




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