Uploading Files

By Anita Sabot - Fri Apr 08, 1:19 am

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In order for your website pages and related files to show up on the internet, you will need to upload them into your SabotSites.com hosting account using an FTP manager or use the file manager located in your client control panel.  I prefer using the FTP manager called CoreFTP.

This tutorial will explain how to upload files using CoreFTP.  Also, please see the attached screenshot for other CoreFTP parameters.


  1. Install the FTP program on your computer (CoreFTP Lite can be downloaded for FREE from http://coreftp.com).
  2. Set up your FTP login information
  3. Site Name: your domain name
  4. Host/IP/URL: sabotsites.com
  5. Username and Password: your Sabot Sites Client Control Panel (cPanel) login information (Your username is NOT your email address.  If you have misplaced this information, just email me a request to resend the Sabot Sites Account Information email message that contains these details.)
  6. Click “Connect” to connect to your site
  7. In the box on the right, open the folder called public_html (Never make changes to any others)
  8. In the box on the left, open the folder on your computer that has the files you want to upload.
  9. Select the files or folders to upload and click on the “arrow” that points toward the right to upload them to your site.
  10. ATTENTION: Replacing the file called index with your own index file (.htm, .html, .php or whatever file extension it may be) will replace the SabotSites.com under construction page currently on your website.
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